Around the college

Florida's Lieutenant Governor, Carlos Lopez-Cantera

Florida’s Lieutenant Governor, Carlos Lopez-Cantera, visited the UF campus, including the UF Small Animal Hospital on March 23. Here he is shown with senior veterinary student Carmen Morales, who was able to greet him, along with Dean Jim Lloyd and Dr. Dana Zimmel, soon after he arrived. (Photo by Sarah Carey)

Two UFCVM alumni, Dr. Robin Dearden, ’02, and Dr. Carol Tillman, a member of the college’s Charter Class of ’80, met for the first time at the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine booth at the Western States Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas in early March. (Photo courtesy of Deborah Turcott)

Thank a Donor Day event

UF veterinary medical student scholarship recipients gathered March 29 for the “Thank a Donor” day lunch. The students spent time writing personal thank you cards to donors who provided or contributed to scholarship support. Shown are students Liz Fitzpatrick and Todd Bliss.(Photo by Sarah Carey)

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March-April 2017

Veterinary student receives Dean’s Circle Scholarship

The Dean’s Circle of Excellence recently awarded a scholarship to a third-year UF veterinary student.

Hospital to offer free eye screenings to service animals

The UF Small Animal Hospital will provide free eye screening exams to service animals on May 12.

Riley Shugg with poster.

UF small animal surgery service well represented at conference

UF’s small animal surgery service was well represented at a national conference.

Dolphins swimming

UF to form new aquatic animal stranding network

UF has received a federal grant to form a new aquatic animal stranding network.

Faculty member leads national ophthalmology group

A clinical professor at UF leads national veterinary ophthalmology group.

2016-2017 Superior Accomplishment Award winners named

The college’s 2017 Superior Accomplishment Award winners were honored at a luncheon held March 2.

Tread mill demo during Open House 2017.

College open house will be April 15

Tours, educational demonstrations and more will be offered during this year’s UFCVM open house.

...also in this issue



Around the College