Snapshots of college life
April was a busy month, with Silver Society Weekend, Healthy Horses Conferences, College Alumni Council, Open House and Animal Airwaves-Live, a live call-in show featuring UF veterinary faculty, continuing strong on WUFT-FM. Several alumni from the Class of ’86 reunited at the college for breakfast over Silver Society weekend, which celebrates the 25th anniversary of graduation from UF, on April 9, while others who serve on Alumni Council were back the following week for that group’s annual spring meeting. That same day, April 16, Open House drew big crowds at the college after a two-year hiatus, with hundreds of people meandering through hallways and touring the UF Veterinary Hospitals as part of a full program of educational demonstrations and much more. Below are a few photos we captured from various events.

Dr. Dale Kaplan-Stein received her commemorative pin for being a member of the Dean's Circle of Excellence during Alumni Council on April 16. Kaplan-Stein had been unable to attend the pin ceremony held in January during the North American Veterinary Conference to honor the first group of Dean's Circle members.

Caroline Scott, 9, a student at Hidden Oak Elementary, is shown with the drawing she did of her pet turtle, which was one of a small group of drawings showcased during Open House this year.

Aubrey Myrick, left, daughter of CVM alumna Dr. Tecla Myrick, (Class of '94) is shown at left with her friend, Sadie Kay, and CVM student Emily Ucros, right. Ucros is holding Minnie, her 6-month-old Pomeranian.

Drs. Lisa and Vince Centonze, both from the Class of 2003, were in town April 16 for the spring Alumni Council meeting. They are shown here outside of the Veterinary Academic Building just after the meeting, before heading back to Tampa.

CVM students Amy Stieler, Class of 2011, and Joelle Glenn, Class of 2013, were among the participants in this year's Healthy Horses Conference.

Dr. Murray Brown, the Appleton Endowed Professor of large animal surgery, picks up lunch from the buffet table during the break.

Dr. Robert MacKay, professor of large animal medicine, chats with conference participant Pedro Pulido during the lunch break at UF's Healthy Horses Conference.

Lindsey Palm, left, an incoming UF undergraduate, and Dr. Amanda House, coordinator of the 2011 UF Healthy Horses Conference.

CVM student Morgan Menasco hands out programs during the Open House on April 16.
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