Ceremony offers recognition
to longtime employees

Congratulations to all of our CVM Staffers who have earned their pins for years of service to the University of Florida! Our honorees received their pins, along with other Health Science Center employees from other colleges and offices, on May 10 at the annual HSC Service Pin Awards Ceremony, ceremony held at the Public Health and Health Professions auditorium. Our recipients included:

 5 Years
Patricia Delano, Rachel Disesa, Melissa Headrick,Stephanie Heinis,Kelly Higgs, Linda Howard, David John, Craig Jones, Jude Kaufmann, Jennifer Laffey, Glen Mapes, Genevieve Mendoza Perez, Maria Ransone, Luis Salgado, Erin Sanetz, Amanda Shelby, Patrick Thompson, Joshua Viessman, Jennifer Wallace, Xiaoling Wang,  Heather Wells.

10 Years
Melissa Gifford, Lavonne Gray-Williams, Tami Hitson, Maxine Lampert Sacher, Melanie Rose

15 Years
Lisa Bessent, Christine Best, Elizabeth Kish, Arlene Lee, Richard Smith, Joyce Stewart

20 Years
Sarah Carey, Dot McColskey

25 Years
Kim Ahrens, Glenda Briel, Delores Foreman, Kimberly Kielbel, Theresa Medrano, Eric Ostmark

30 Years
Diane Heaton-Jones, Martha Swilley, Sherry Williams

35 Years
Ronald Parmer

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