Senior students and families
gather at awards banquet

The traditional Senior Awards Banquet was held May 27 at UF’s Reitz Union. College faculty, administrators, staff and donor-sponsors of various scholarships joined members of the Class of 2011 and their families for a festive evening emceed by Dr. Nick Bacon, an assistant professor of oncology. Below are just a few photos from this event. More photos are available for viewing in the Senior Banquet album on the college’s Facebook page at

Jonathan Coffman and his father, Hal Coffman.

Drs. Dale Kaplan-Stein and Natalie Isaza with graduating senior Van Brass.

Graduating senior Leo Londono, center, with his girlfriend, Maria Cediel, and his father, Leonel Londono.

Valerie Smith-Pope, left, with daughter, Kendra Pope, a graduating senior.


Graduating senior Tyrell Kahan, right, with his mother, Mamie Kahan.

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June 2011

New graduates include first dual-degree recipients

Distinguished Award winners, retiring department chair honored along with first dual-degree recipients at commencement this year.

New hospital is “LEED” Gold-en

New SAH is “Gold”-en, according to LEED standards.

Class donates sculpture in professor’s memory

A new sculpture commissioned by the Class of 2011 in honor of the late Dr. Kevin Anderson was dedicated May 26.

...also in this issue



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