Project Heal dog wash is Feb. 4

Katie Carey gets a bath during the Project Heal dog wash fundraiser in Feb. 2011.

Katie Carey gets a bath during the Project Heal dog wash fundraiser in 2011.

Is Fido looking a little dirty lately? Give him the “spa” treatment at the UF College of Veterinary Medicine Feb. 4, when veterinary student members of Project Heal are holding a dog and car wash fundraiser, in conjunction with the Life South Community Blood Centers.

Donate blood while Fido gets a free preventive examination, a bath and nail trimming and in return Life South will provide a free gift and cholesterol screening.

Dog baths and car washes will be available for a $6 donation or a $10 donation for both. For more information about Project Heal, which involves students from all the UF Academic Health Center colleges, visit

For more information about Life South, visit

Hope to see you then!

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