Veterinary technicians honored

The UF Veterinary Hospitals celebrated National Veterinary Technician Week, held Oct. 14-20, by hosting a special poker-themed dinner. We are so proud of our veterinary nurses, and all they do for us, for our animal patients and for those who entrust their animals’ care to us!

Maria Ransone at the veterinary technician dinner, 2012.

Maria Ransone, a veterinary technician with the oncology service, shows her winning hand. (Photo by Brandy Smith)

Veterinary technician dinner 2012

Dr. Sarah Reuss, far left, was the dealer at this table, at which gathered veterinary technicians Bailey Harris, Sabrina Castillo, Jennifer Davenport, Maria Cediel, and Rebecca Robbins. (Photo by Brandy Smith)

Veterinary technician dinner 2012

Veterinary technicians Tracy Vanderzyl, Kim Koelbel, Bonnie Heatwole and Melanie Powell have fun at the “poker” table with Dr. Andrew Specht serving as dealer. (Photo by Brandy Smith)

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November 2012

Jackie inside of the hyperbaric chamber during her third treatment on Oct. 15.

UF treats first animal in new hyperbaric chamber

A dog bitten by a rattlesnake is doing well after treatment at UF’s Small Animal Hospital, where she became the first patient to be treated in a new hyperbaric chamber.

College’s oncology program benefits from Hyundai grant

The UF College of Veterinary Medicine is a collaborator in a $250,000 collaborative grant from Hyundai Hope on Wheels that will help support childhood cancer research.

Kathy Reger scans for microchip with Dr. Brian DiGangi

Event provides opportunity to thank key supporters

Several key supporters visited the college on Oct. 5 for tours and a luncheon thanking them for their contributions.

...also in this issue



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