Florida Veterinarian magazine survey underway

Florida Veterinarian imagesThe UF College of Veterinary Medicine is seeking your feedback relating to the Florida Veterinarian magazine.

Published twice a year, the magazine is distributed internally to faculty, residents, staff and students at the UF CVM as well as externally to alumni, referring veterinarians, donors, friends and members of the media. Our objective in crafting the survey is to determine which college news and information you want to receive, how you want to receive it and at what frequency.

The most recent issue of the magazine was distributed within the past month. You can access that issue, as well as Florida Veterinarian archives, here.

The survey should only take about 10 minutes of your time to complete. To access it, click here. Many thanks in advance for your participation!

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November 2013

Vaughan and Karen Heard.

Heard Equine Endoscopy Suite dedicated

The Heard Equine Endoscopy Suite was dedicated Oct. 10 in honor of Tommy and Chickie Heard, longtime equine aficionados.

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They’re so distinguished! Two UF CVM faculty members were recently honored at the second annual Celebrating Distinction ceremony,

Florida Veterinarian images

Florida Veterinarian magazine survey

Let us hear from you! A Florida Veterinarian magazine survey is now online.

...also in this issue



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