College kicks off holiday food drive
The annual college holiday drive to collect food for the hungry in our community has begun!
Labeled bins are now located in various places around the college. There are bins in the dean’s area, the Office for Students and Instruction, the department of large animal clinical sciences (break room), department of small animal clinical sciences (reception area), department of infectious diseases and pathology (break room), department of physiological sciences, small animal hospital (near Einsteins, next to ATM machine), Deriso Building and the Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology.
“Our goal is to collect as much food as possible up to Nov. 19 so that we can make a Thanksgiving drop-off,” said Sarah Carey, the college’s director of public relations and food drive coordinator. “The bins will remain in their locations until the end of the holiday season, so there will be pick-ups and drop-offs scheduled as needed depending on how much food we bring in.”
Food will also be collected at the upcoming holiday party, scheduled for Dec. 5 at the Straughn Center.
Almost any non-perishable food item is welcome, including pantry staples. Such items include rice, pasta, canned potatoes, peanut butter, jelly, shelf stable milks, cereals, boxed macaroni and cheese, soups, canned vegetables, canned fruits and juices, canned proteins, canned chili, stew or other meat-based food, and paper products.
The Bread of the Mighty Food Bank, located on 10th Ave. in Gainesville, acquires and distributes food and basic essentials to other non-profit agencies that in turn provide for the needs of the poor and the needy in our community. Counties served include Alachua, Dixie, Gilchrist, Lafayette and Levy.
For several years, the college has been a major contributor to the bank’s holiday collection efforts.
Anyone with questions about the food drive may email Carey at or call her at 352-294-4242.