In the news

  • A story about collaborative research between UF and the University of Pennsylvania relating to pediatric sleep apnea appeared in various outlets, including HealthCanal (Health News).
  • Dr. Jim Wellehan was quoted in a recent Associated Press story involving monkey farms in Florida. The story reached multiple news outlets, including the Canadian Press.
  • The recent appointments of Dr. Dana Zimmel as associate dean for clinical services and Dr. David Freeman as the Appleton Professor of Equine Surgery were covered in The Business Report of North Central Florida.
  • Dr. Zimmel’s appointment was also covered in the Career News section of the Chronicle of Higher Education, in the Association of American Veterinary College’s news aggregator.
  • Dr. Freeman’s appointment was also covered in TheHorse.
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May 2015

Ocala PETS clinic receives Level 3 certification

The UF Pet Emergency Treatment Center in Ocala has received Level 3 certification from a national group.

Coating ceremony marks students’ transition into clinical rotations

The college’s Professional Coating Ceremony marked the Class of 2017’s transition into clinical rotations.

Dina Michaels and Dr. Dan Brown

Scientist wins university-level Superior Accomplishment Award

A biological scientist at the UFCVM is honored with university-level Superior Accomplishment Award.

IFAS’ Bug Week features two new Protect Our Pets videos

IFAS’ Bug Week features two new videos that are part of the popular “Protect Our Pets” series.

...also in this issue



Around the College