Veterinary technician event draws online participants from state, nation and beyond
Each year, the UF Veterinary Hospitals welcomes an ever growing number of veterinary technicians, assistants and client service members to attend a full day of continuing education, a program specifically focused on topics, knowledge and skills to challenge the support staff that form the backbone of any busy practice.
“This year, we pivoted to a virtual platform to accommodate the evolving safety concerns while also continuing to provide our anticipated content,” said Danielle Jonas, a veterinary technician manager and coordinator of the annual Veterinary Technician Continuing Education Conference. “Six of our highly valuable and knowledgeable technicians recorded their talks and, thanks to our generous sponsors, we offered these six hours of continuing education free of charge to all who registered, which included over 500 members of the veterinary support staff across our state, the country and even internationally.”
Jonas added that lectures this year included education on shock, comorbidities and their impact on anesthesia, heartworm disease, viper envenomation, patient advocacy and dental nerve blocks.
“Hopefully, these topics were relevant to a wide variety of positions across the veterinary community,” Jonas said. “While we hope to return to our beloved in-person conference next October, we are excited to offer this online education opportunity to the incredibly important veterinary nursing staff and will continue to explore new avenues for sharing knowledge and skill with technicians throughout the year.”