UF veterinary technician named to national board

Paola Dominguez-Lopez

Paola Dominguez-Lopez with her dog, Australis, a miniature Pinscher, who passed away last year.

Paola Domínguez-López, a veterinary technician with the Veterinary Community Outreach Program at the University of Florida Small Animal Hospital, has been named to the American Heartworm Society’s board of directors, becoming the first veterinary nurse/technician to hold a board role for the organization.

Board members serve a three-year term, in conjunction with the society’s Triennial Symposium.

Domínguez-López said the society decided to open up a board position for a veterinary nurse for the first time this year.

“My first thought was to go for it and apply, and see what happens,” she said. “During my application process, I thought of all the heartworm positive dogs I have fostered and how now they are healthy and in loving homes.”

She said she reflected on how she wished that no animal had to go through painful heartworm treatment, and of how she’d always known that the community needs more information on the subject. But, she wondered: Besides talking directly to clients, how does one reach out to others to educate them about the disease? And how could veterinary nurses persuade owners to be compliant with heartworm prevention?

“Then this board position opened up and I thought, this is a way to reach out, educate and be heard about the importance of heartworm prevention,” Domínguez-López said.

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