In the news
- A story about a dairy calf that received life-saving treatment for a bilateral jaw fracture through a creative 3D printing solution at the UF College of Veterinary Medicine was featured in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine’s Smart Brief, Genon Labs website, UF Innovate and elsewhere.
- Dr. Ruth Francis-Floyd was quoted in an article that appeared in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association about fish medicine and growing interest in the field by veterinarians who hope for specialty recognition.
- An opinion piece co-written by UFCVM’s dean, Dr. Dana Zimmel, and Dr. Scott Angle, head of UF-IFAS, that addressed the national shortage of veterinarians appeared in numerous outlets, including the Tampa Bay Times, the Palm Beach Post, the Naples Daily News, Gainesville Sun, the Tallahassee Democrat, South Central Florida Life (Clewiston News, Okeechobee News, Glades County News, Caloosa Belle, Immokalee Bulletin, Bell Glade and Pahokee Sun, Yahoo News, the Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal and elsewhere.
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