Stallion treated at UF is true ‘model’ horse

Laura Moon, left, with Boon and Drs. Chris Sanchez and Ali Morton during a photo shoot at the UF Large Animal Hospital.

January 2012

The college's admissions director, Jonathan Orsini, left, with CVM admissions committee members Dr. Richard Carpenter and Dr. Mark Scribano prior to a committee meeting Jan. 27.

New admissions process tested

A new early admissions process is being tested at the college this year, with the goal of identifying and recruiting talented applicants.

NAVC draws alumni crowd

Hundreds gather at the North American Veterinary Conference in Orlando for UF’s traditional alumni reception.

Larry Ferguson with his two pit bull terriers

Dog survives coral snake bite after emergency treatment at UF

A pit bull terrier survives a deadly coral snake bite thanks to emergency care at the UF Small Animal Hospital.