Renewed funding for UF Aquatic Animal Health program ensures continuity of training in marine mammal care

Dr. Iske Larkin with manatees

Dr. Iske Larkin leads UF’s Aquatic Animal Health program.

November-December 2021

Dr. Dana Zimmel

A message from our dean

A message from the college’s dean, Dr. Dana Zimmel.

Dr. David Suarez Fuentes

Resident honored for abstract presentation at national meeting

Dr. David Suarez-Fuentes’ award-winning presentation focused on CT features of thymoma in cats.

Bev Orozo

Veterinary technician receives specialty designation in anesthesia and analgesia

Beverly Orozco is now a veterinary technician specialist in anesthesia and analgesia.

Riley the Lab

Labrador retriever beats odds, remains cancer-free after treatment for deadly disease at UF

With treatment at UF and a lot of luck, Riley has lived for four years since his initial diagnosis.

Cat With No Name program

Forensic program helps diagnose disease outbreak in free-roaming cat colony

The ‘A Cat Has No Name’ program has recently expanded to provide laboratory diagnostics to living free-roaming cats.