Thirteen dogs receive free
dental screening at hospital

Shelties at UF for dental screenings

Bob and Lee Saputo of Ocala are shown with five of their Shetland sheepdogs, all of which work as pet therapy dogs in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. The dogs came to the UF Small Animal Hospital on Aug. 23 for free oral health screenings made available to qualified service dogs. (Photo by Sarah Carey)


September 2012


Dean’s search committee formed

A search committee has been formed to recruit the next dean of the UF College of Veterinary Medicine.

Incoming freshmen veterinary students Cameron Biggs and Devon Smith.

New students get oriented to UF CVM

The college’s incoming veterinary students from the Class of 2016 as well as transferring students from other institutions received a warm welcome during a week of orientation activities.

Students intern at CDC for dual degree program

Two senior UF veterinary students spent six weeks at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta in early summer.