Fall is here, and with it, finally, cooler temperatures and a new class of freshman veterinary students. We look forward but we also also looked back this month, as we collectively remembered the events of 9/11.  Here are a few photos from September 2011.

Photo of the 9.11.2001 Memorial Plaque

This photo shows the 9.11.2001 memorial plaque, which was installed at the base of the flagpole in front of the Veterinary Academic Building in September 2002, one year after the tragic events of the previous year. (Photo by Sarah Carey)

Early morning view of the new UF Small Animal Hospital.

An early morning view of the new UF Small Animal Hospital, taken Sept.3.  (Photo by Dr. Michael Schaer)

Presents left for Class of 2015 by Big Brothers, Big Sisters

Presents left for Class of 2015 by their “Big Brothers” and “Big Sisters” from the sophomore class adorned this desk in the Office of Students and Instruction on Sept. 1. (Photo by Sarah Carey)

A group of Florida legislators are shown in the oncology treatment area during a recent tour of the UF Veterinary Hospitals.

A group of Florida legislators recently visited the college and are shown in the oncology treatment room with several UF veterinary students. From left to right are Dr. Rowan Milner, Rep. Seth McKeel, students Lauren Goldstein, Lindsay Porter, Barry Cherno and Christina Novak, Sen. Paula Dockery and Rep. Ron Saunders. (Photo by Sarah Carey)

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September 2011

Dr. Mike Walsh

UF vet plays key role in care of movie-star dolphin

Star quality: Dr. Mike Walsh helped design dolphin’s prosthetic fin. Others from UF have been involved in Winter’s care as well.

Veterinary technician Amy Reynolds performs a laser procedure on a patient.

Laser treatment helps dogs with spinal cord injury

Veterinary neurologists report breakthroughs in treatment of intervertebral disc disease through use of lasers.

Contraceptive vaccine show longterm effectiveness in cats

UF researchers report longterm effectiveness of contraceptive vaccine in cats.

...also in this issue



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