Faculty participate in symposium focused on interprofessional education, One Health
Dr. Amara Estrada, a professor of cardiology with the UF College of Veterinary Medicine’s department of small animal clinical sciences, and Dr. Amy Blue, associate vice president for interprofessional education in UF Health’s Office of the Senior Vice President for Health Affairs, represented UF at a national symposium, “Interprofessional Education Through a One Health Lens,” held at Colorado State University in early October.
The meeting is a national gathering of educators, clinicians, researchers, students and other professionals to explore the overlap of One Health and interprofessional education and imagine a future where IPE and One Health grow synergistically. Topics included teamwork and leadership, cost of care, mental health and wellbeing, curriculum integration and delivery, aging, and end of life care.
Two grants procured by UF from the Clinical and Translational Science Award One Health Alliance, or COHA, funded the symposium, which represents a partnership among COHA institutions, including Colorado State University, the University of Colorado – Anschutz, the University of Florida, the University of Minnesota, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Wisconsin.